Concentrated (1:5) cutting oil ASFOL-1K provides obtaining ready-to-use cutting oil ASFOL-1 as 20 % additive to the oil available at the plant, including the recovered ones.
Functional and operating characteristics of the obtained solution are similar to working cutting oil ASFOL-1.

Technological properties:
Turning-cutting processing
Deep hole drilling
Gear treatment
Knurling and threading

Technological operations:
lathe turning, cutting, drilling, milling, thread cutting, reaming, gear machining, drawing, deformation processing

Processed materials:
low-alloyed steel grades, cast iron, high-alloyed steel grades, stainless steel grades, aluminum alloys, non-ferrous alloys

CONCENTRATE, UAH / kg: 132.00 WORKING SOLUTION, UAH / l: from 26.40
Estimation for the 15% solution, excluding the cost of base oil for dilution

canister, l: 10
barrel, l: 50, 200
Barrel used, l: 1000

Additional information
Appearance Oily liquid from brown to dark brown
Smell characteristic, not irritating
Density at (20 +/- 1) ° C, g / cm3 0,900-1,350
Viscosity by viscometer VZ-246 with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm at (20 +/- 1) ° C, s, not less than 30
Tests corrosive action on metals (steel) Braves
Pour point, ° C, not more than minus 5
Mass fraction of mechanical impurities, %, no more than 0.5
Flash point in open crucible, ° C, not less than 175
Kinematic viscosity at temperature (50 +/- 1) ° C, mm2 / s, not less than 15
Stability during storage of the liquid Braves
  • Application of “ASFOL-1K” reduces transportation costs and it provides funds saving by the value of oil component for dissolving
  • Successful application of concentrated ASFOL-1K in extremely loaded operations of cutting, drawing and plastic deformation of metals
  • ASFOL-1 prepared from the concentrated cutting oil increases quality of the processed surface on average by 1 roughness grade, as compared to the domestic analogues
  • Cost advantages achieve 100 % and more when substituting cutting oil of EU countries
  • Working solution of ASFOL-1 prepared from the concentrated ASFOL-1K possesses strong lubricating properties, ensuring the processing with high performance and tool durability
  • It is fumeless during processing and does not deteriorate sanitary-hygienic labor conditions of machine-tool operators
  • Low coefficients of entrainment with cutting waste and decreased formation of oil mist provide optimal specific consumption

ASFOL-1K is concentrated cutting oil:

  • It is a concentrated (1:5) cutting oil ASFOL-1 on the basis of mineral and vegetable oil doped with functional additives of foreign production.
  • ASFOL-1K as a concentrate is used in the function of 20 % additive, with preparation of the working solution of ASFOL-1 cutting fluid by mechanical stirring of mineral oil (including recovered ones) and the concentrate, which it provides funds saving by the value of oil component for dissolving.
    Functional and operating characteristics of the obtained solution are similar to working cutting oil ASFOL-1 (cost-efficient cutting oil with high processing performance, tool durability and quality of the processed surface).
  • The concentrated ASFOL-1K is used as such during extremely loaded operations of cutting, drawing and plastic deformation of metals with high technical requirements.
  • Cost advantages when substituting cutting oil of EU countries exceed 100 %.



  • We ensure professional selection of products, which saves up to 30 % of the resources. The result of our manager’s work is not only a solution to technological problems, but also significant cost savings due to the use of our products.
  • We render assistance during product introduction. Our experts are always ready to address any issues related to application of our products in your business environment.
  • We provide service backup and testing using our own laboratory. If necessary, our laboratory will render laboratory services free of charge.
  • We are ready to modify our products under customer’s specifications. If necessary, we are ready to tackle your technical problem on an individual basis and modify the product specifically for your production process.
  • We provide free samples for testing.
  • We work quickly and efficiently – it takes us 30 minutes to issue an invoice and maximum 2 days to deliver products within the territory of Ukraine.
  • We sell products starting from 10 liters to a tank truck. 
  • Products are never out of stock.
  • We provide immediate expert advice on any issues arising during application of our products. We assign an experienced skilled professional for each customer. We are ready to visit your production facilities in an emergency.


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Processed materials:
low-alloy steels, cast iron, high-alloy steels, stainless steels, aluminium alloys, non-ferrous alloys
Technological operations:
тurning, cutting, drilling, мilling, тhread cutting, deployment, gear treatment, deformation processing, hood, rolling, wire drawing, stamping
Technological properties
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  • Deep hole drilling
  • Gear treatment
  • Knurling and threading
  • Drawing

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The analogue substitute:
Processed materials:
low-alloy steels, cast iron, high-alloy steels, stainless steels, aluminium alloys, non-ferrous alloys
Technological operations:
тurning, cutting, drilling, мilling, тhread cutting, deployment, gear treatment, deformation processing, hood, rolling, wire drawing, stamping
Technological properties
  • Turning-cutting processing
  • Deep hole drilling
  • Gear treatment
  • Knurling and threading
  • Drawing

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The analogue substitute:
Processed materials:
low-alloy steels, cast iron, high-alloy steels, stainless steels, aluminium alloys, non-ferrous alloys
Technological operations:
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Technological properties
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  • Corrosion preventing
  • Stability on hard water
  • Resistance to biological defeat
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