Concentrated Synthetic Cutting Fluid for mechanical metal working is a well-known Ukrainian brand that has gained confidence of more than 700 regular customers. It is exported Moldova and EU countries.
3–5 % working solution of cutting fluid provides high processing behavior and versatile application in various operations. Its long-life performance will ensure the saving in consumption of material resources at operation.
UNIZOR-M is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the using as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.
According to the customer feedback: “fill-and-forget”

Technological properties:
Corrosion preventing
Resistance to biological defeat
Stability on hard water

Technological operations:
тurning, cutting, мilling, тhread cutting, deployment, polishing, deformation processing, hood, rolling, нydraulic fluid, honing, low foam washing, cleaning before coating

Processed materials:
low-alloy steels, cast iron, high-alloy steels, stainless steels, non-ferrous alloys

Estimation for concentration of 5 % and more, water cost excluding

canister, l: 10
barrel, l: 50, 200

Additional information
Appearance light yellow to brown liquid
Smell characteristic, not irritating
Density at temperature (20+/-1) ºС, g/cm3 1,005-1,150
Relative viscosity as per ВЗ-246 viscosity meter with nozzle diameter 4 mm at temperature (20+/-1) ºС, sec, not less 10
Potential of hydrogen ion (рН) of water solution with the concentrate mass fraction 5 %, рН 9 units 8,2-10,6
Anticorrosive properties: (according to GOST 6243 cl.2). Working solution 5 %, mixed with water of 21 mmol/m3 hardness Braves
Water solution stability with 5 % concentrate mass fraction (layer separated on the solution surface within 3 hours), %, not more 1
Concentrate stability during storage withstands
  • Cost advantage at the stage of purchase
  • According to the customer feedback: "fill-and-forget" – it ensures the long-life performance (without replacement), rot-proof
  • It overprotects equipment and parts against corrosion, including in very hard water
  • It raises efficiency (by 1.3 times on average)
  • It improves quality of the processed surface (by 1 roughness grade after polishing)
  • It eliminates intermediate technological operations that became unnecessary and cuts production costs
  • It is non-segregating and requires only correction of decreasing quantities
  • Concentrate is non-combustible and retains its properties at low temperatures
  • It provides detergency effect for cleansing machine tool surfaces

UNIZOR-M is a concentrated synthetic multi-purpose cutting fluid for machining:

  • It is a well-known Ukrainian brand that has gained confidence of more than 700 regular customers. It is exported to Russia, Belarus, Moldova and EU countries.
  • It is used as 3–5 % water solution of multi-purpose cutting fluid during edge-cutting machining and abrasive processing of metals and alloys. It is possible to use working solution of UNIZOR-M cutting fluid during certain operations of deformation processing, as a low-temperature detergent and as a corrosion inhibitor under definite storage conditions for processed products. We recommend contacting the manufacturer’s representative for more detailed advice on the application;
  • Concentrate and prepared solution are low-hazardous (conclusion of sanitary and hygienic inspection No. 05.03.02-04/8323). Class of hazard (based on toxico-hygienic testing) – 4;
  • The cutting fluid is prepared by simple mixing of cold tap water and concentrate in the proportion of 1:20. It may be prepared both centrally and directly in the cutting fluid containers of the equipment. Stability of the prepared working solution is guaranteed irrespective of water hardness;
  • It provides guaranteed corrosion protection of the processing equipment, tooling and processed parts;
  • It offers high lubricating properties inherent in quality emulsols;
  • It provides increased resistance of the cutting tool (ranging from 10 to 60 % depending on the type of processing and processed material);
  • All conditions being equal (with other cutting fluids), it provides reduced roughness of the processed surface by 1-2 grades;
  • High bioproofness provides durable use of the working solution without replacement of its basic volume (not less than 8 months, including in warm season);
  • In-process check of UNIZOR-M working solution is not time- and labor consuming and is carried out by standard methods.



  • We ensure professional selection of products, which saves up to 30 % of the resources. The result of our manager’s work is not only a solution to technological problems, but also significant cost savings due to the use of our products.
  • We render assistance during product introduction. Our experts are always ready to address any issues related to application of our products in your business environment.
  • We provide service backup and testing using our own laboratory. If necessary, our laboratory will render laboratory services free of charge.
  • We are ready to modify our products under customer’s specifications. If necessary, we are ready to tackle your technical problem on an individual basis and modify the product specifically for your production process.
  • We provide free samples for testing.
  • We work quickly and efficiently – it takes us 30 minutes to issue an invoice and maximum 2 days to deliver products within the territory of Ukraine.
  • We sell products starting from 10 liters to a tank truck. 
  • Products are never out of stock.
  • We provide immediate expert advice on any issues arising during application of our products. We assign an experienced skilled professional for each customer. We are ready to visit your production facilities in an emergency.


why it is profitable
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The analogue substitute:
Processed materials:
low-alloy steels, cast iron, high-alloy steels, stainless steels, non-ferrous alloys
Technological operations:
тurning, cutting, drilling, мilling, тhread cutting, deployment, polishing, deformation processing, hood, rolling, нydraulic fluid, wire drawing, stamping, production of electric welding pipe, honing, low foam washing, cleaning before coating
Technological properties
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  • Cleaning
  • Corrosion preventing
  • Resistance to biological defeat
  • Stability on hard water

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The analogue substitute:
Processed materials:
low-alloy steels, cast iron, high-alloy steels, stainless steels, aluminium alloys, non-ferrous alloys
Technological operations:
тurning, cutting, drilling, мilling, тhread cutting, deployment, polishing, gear treatment, deformation processing, hood, rolling, нydraulic fluid, wire drawing, stamping, production of electric welding pipe, honing, superfinish, lapping, preservation the interoperational 1-3 months., low foam washing, cleaning before coating
Technological properties
  • Lubricating
  • Cleaning
  • Corrosion preventing
  • Resistance to biological defeat
  • Stability on hard water
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