UNIZOR-M Concentrated Synthetic Cutting Fluid

Standart class
Is a well-known Ukrainian brand that has gained confidence of more than 700 regular customers. It is exported to Moldova and EU countries.
Sphere of Use:
Multi-purpose 3–5 % cutting fluid for various types of abrasive processing, edge-cutting machining, deformation processing of all steel grades and non-ferrous alloys. It is highly resistant to hard water and segregation.
- аccording to the customer feedback: "fill-and-forget" – it ensures the long-life performance (without replacement), rot-proof;
- overprotects equipment and parts against corrosion, particularly in very hard water;
- increases processing performance (on average by 1.3 times);
- improves quality of the processed surface (by 1 roughness grade);
- non-segregating and requires only correction of decreasing quantities;
- easy disposal of the used cutting fluid, wastewater disposal allowed;
- concentrate is non-combustible and retains its properties at low temperatures;
- provides detergency effect for cleansing machine tool surfaces;
- provides in-process preservation of treated parts;
- is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the prohibition of use as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.
- аccording to the customer feedback: "fill-and-forget" – it ensures the long-life performance (without replacement), rot-proof;
- overprotects equipment and parts against corrosion, particularly in very hard water;
- increases processing performance (on average by 1.3 times);
- improves quality of the processed surface (by 1 roughness grade);
- non-segregating and requires only correction of decreasing quantities;
- easy disposal of the used cutting fluid, wastewater disposal allowed;
- concentrate is non-combustible and retains its properties at low temperatures;
- provides detergency effect for cleansing machine tool surfaces;
- provides in-process preservation of treated parts;
- is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the prohibition of use as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.
UNIZOR-M , “Pipe” modification Concentrated Synthetic Cutting Fluid

Standart class
It is used at more than 60 % facilities of this industry in Ukraine, exported to Moldova,
“invisible” preservation not requiring depreservation.
Sphere of Use:
5 % working solution of cutting fluid provides the full cycle of manufacturing electric-welded pipes and full cycle of manufacturing electric-welded and shaped pipes, including their preservation for 1-3 months during warehouse storage and transportation
The analogue substitute:
Alter Tube 0020
- versatility (one solution for all stages of pipe production);
- high resistance of process tooling and stable dimensions of the formed section;
- considerable economic effect due to durable service without replacement;
- unique preservation properties, “invisible” preservation not requiring depreservation;
- finished articles comply with export requirements for rolled stock supply to EU countries;
- minimal specific consumption of the concentrate per 1 ton of pipes;
- is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the prohibition of use as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.
- versatility (one solution for all stages of pipe production);
- high resistance of process tooling and stable dimensions of the formed section;
- considerable economic effect due to durable service without replacement;
- unique preservation properties, “invisible” preservation not requiring depreservation;
- finished articles comply with export requirements for rolled stock supply to EU countries;
- minimal specific consumption of the concentrate per 1 ton of pipes;
- is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the prohibition of use as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.
RIMOL Concentrated Synthetic Cutting Fluid

Premium class
Premium class synthetic cutting fluid with extra-long life and high technological properties. Cost-saving at the stage of usage.
Sphere of Use:
Multi-purpose 3–5 % cutting fluid for all types of machining, including for very difficult-to-machine steel grades.
- successful application at the high-technology leading plants of Ukraine,
- long-life performance up to 1 year and more,
- cost advantages at the stage of usage,
- concentrate is non-segregating and withstands low temperatures.
- possibility to process particularly difficult-to-machine steel grades (stainless, heat-resistant, tool) with high processing quality,
- reliable corrosion protection and bio-resistance, including in very hard water and with additives of NaCl,
- easy disposal of the used cutting fluids,
- is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the prohibition of use as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.
- successful application at the high-technology leading plants of Ukraine,
- long-life performance up to 1 year and more,
- cost advantages at the stage of usage,
- concentrate is non-segregating and withstands low temperatures.
- possibility to process particularly difficult-to-machine steel grades (stainless, heat-resistant, tool) with high processing quality,
- reliable corrosion protection and bio-resistance, including in very hard water and with additives of NaCl,
- easy disposal of the used cutting fluids,
- is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the prohibition of use as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.
RIMOL, modif eur Concentrated Synthetic Cutting Fluid

Premium class
Cutting fluid of “premium” class having no specific odor, personnel-friendly.
It is exported to the EU countries.
Successfully substitutes cutting fluids of European brands.
Sphere of Use:
Multi-purpose 4–5 % cutting fluid for various types of abrasive processing, edge-cutting machining, deformation processing of all steel grades and non-ferrous alloys.
- 100 % and more cost advantage when substituting European cutting fluids;
- High: performance and technical characteristics of processing;
- Absence of characteristic odor and complaints of the operating personnel;
- Product quality is confirmed by the EU consumers;
- Non-segregating and bio-resistant;
- Absence of mineral oil in the composition provides easy disposal of the used cutting fluid;
- Additional cost advantages due to extended usage;
- Is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the prohibition of use as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.
- 100 % and more cost advantage when substituting European cutting fluids;
- High: performance and technical characteristics of processing;
- Absence of characteristic odor and complaints of the operating personnel;
- Product quality is confirmed by the EU consumers;
- Non-segregating and bio-resistant;
- Absence of mineral oil in the composition provides easy disposal of the used cutting fluid;
- Additional cost advantages due to extended usage;
- Is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the prohibition of use as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.