UNIZOR-M , “Pipe” modification

TU 24.6-30309233-006-2001:

UNIZOR-M , “Pipe” modification
Concentrated synthetic cutting fluid for electric-welded pipe production.
It is used at more than 60 % facilities of this industry in Ukraine, and also exported to Moldova and Russia.
5 % working solution of cutting fluid provides full cycle of manufacturing electric-welded and shaped pipes, including their preservation for 1-3 months.
UNIZOR-M , “Pipe” modification is consistent with recent changes in the EU legislation - EU Regulation №1907 / 2006 REACH and EU № 605/2014 regarding the prohibition of use as a part of the coolant formaldehyde and boron salts.
Articles preserved using UNIZOR-M modif."Pipe" are supplied to the EU Member States.

Technological properties:
Corrosion preventing
Resistance to biological defeat
Stability on hard water

Technological operations:
manufacturing of electric-welded and shaped pipes, deformation processing , “invisible” preservation

Processed materials:
low-alloyed steel grades, cast iron (preservation), high-alloyed steel grades

corresponds to the characteristics: Alter Tube 0020

Estimation for concentration of 4 % and more, water cost excluding

canister, l: 10
barrel, l: 50, 200

Additional information
Appearance light yellow to brown liquid
Smell Specific, non-irritating
Density at temperature (20+/-1) ºС, g/cm3 1,005-1,150
Relative viscosity as per ВЗ-246 viscosity meter with nozzle diameter 4 mm at temperature (20+/-1) ºС, sec, not less 10
Potential of hydrogen ion (рН) of water solution with the concentrate mass fraction 5 %, рН 9 units pH 8,2-10,6
Anticorrosive properties: (according to GOST 6243 cl.2). Working solution 5 %, mixed with water of 21 mmol/m3 hardness Braves
Water solution stability with 5 % concentrate mass fraction (layer separated on the solution surface within 3 hours), %, not more 1
Concentrate stability during storage Braves
  • versatility (one solution for all stages of pipe production);
  • high resistance of process tooling and stable dimensions of the formed section;
  • considerable economic effect due to durable service without replacement;
  • unique preservation properties, “invisible” preservation not requiring depreservation;
  • finished articles comply with export requirements for rolled stock supply to EU countries;
  • minimal specific consumption of the concentrate per 1 ton of pipes.

UNIZOR-M, “Pipe” modification is a concentrated synthetic cutting fluid for electric-welded pipe manufacturing:

  • 3–5 % working solution is used for manufacturing electric-welded (including shaped) pipes from hot and cold rolled steel;
  • 20-50 % working solution is used as a corrosion inhibitor (preservation fluid) for pipes, metal parts and articles;
  • Following the results of the 1 half-year period of 2014 UNIZOR-M cutting fluid  is applied at 7 enterprises – the main manufacturers of electric-welded pipes;
  • The shortest service period of UNIZOR-M working solution used by our customers without replacement of the basic volume makes 6 months (tank capacity – 10 m3, despite high contamination with scale and extraneous mineral oils during usage). Moreover, microbial count did not exceed 1000 cells per 1 mm3 (1 grade) during the entire period;
  • The longest service period of UNIZOR-M working solution used by our customers was 24 months (during usage   mechanical impurity was removed and comparatively small amount of extraneous mineral oils got into the working solution). Moreover microbial count did not exceed 1000 cells per 1 mm3 (1 grade) during the entire period;
  • Average consumption of concentrated cutting fluid UNIZOR-M is minimal and amounts to 0.75 кg/1 ton of pipes (this is relevant for pipes up to 60 mm in diameter – the specific consumption decreases when the diameter increases);
  • Field tests confirm higher corrosion protection of pipes with UNIZOR-M working solution compared to similar materials wide spread in Ukraine;

Pipe preservation is invisible for the customer and no depreservation is required during application.



  • We ensure professional selection of products, which saves up to 30 % of the resources. The result of our manager’s work is not only a solution to technological problems, but also significant cost savings due to the use of our products.
  • We render assistance during product introduction. Our experts are always ready to address any issues related to application of our products in your business environment.
  • We provide service backup and testing using our own laboratory. If necessary, our laboratory will render laboratory services free of charge.
  • We are ready to modify our products under customer’s specifications. If necessary, we are ready to tackle your technical problem on an individual basis and modify the product specifically for your production process.
  • We provide free samples for testing.
  • We work quickly and efficiently – it takes us 30 minutes to issue an invoice and maximum 2 days to deliver products within the territory of Ukraine.
  • We sell products starting from 10 liters to a tank truck. 
  • Products are never out of stock.
  • We provide immediate expert advice on any issues arising during application of our products. We assign an experienced skilled professional for each customer. We are ready to visit your production facilities in an emergency.


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AT "SCF Ukraine" (public)
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LLC "Interpipe Niko Tube"
JSC «Minsk Bearing Plant»
Ltd. "Motordetal-Konotop"
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GP Research and Production Complex "Zorya" - "Mashproekt"
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JSC "Hydrosila GROUP"
State Enterprise "Gosudarstvennoye the Kiev KONSTRUKTORSKOE Bureau" Luch "
ДП "Завод ім. В.О. Малишева"
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JSC "Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant"
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